About Burgeez

Bur·gee /bərˈjē: A posh name for Flag.
Our founder, Amy Culver always had an attraction to burgees. She collected them from yacht clubs and marinas while traveling. They made great keepsakes from her boating adventures. She may have gone a little overboard with her collection efforts following a lengthy sailing adventure that involved repositioning a boat from Fiji to New Zealand (more on that harrowing trip another day.) Eventually, she collected far more burgees than she could display in the confines of a Key West condo.
She’d given some of them away but discovered that they were received with tepid enthusiasm. It seemed that her family and friends felt they were a bit like the t-shirts that say, “My parents went traveling and all I got was this lousy t-shirt.” While in the throes of a delirium from COVID, she found herself staring at her growing pile of burgees and came up with an idea... Why not display them on bags and clothing instead of just on her walls? The result would surely be fun to wear and would also make excellent presents. She dusted off what minimal sewing skills she had acquired years before, and experimented on Oxford shirts, canvas bags, and polos. She sent several of them to family and friends. This time, they loved them. In fact, they had the audacity to request more of them! Orders started pouring in faster than she could fill them on her own. No longer able to meet the demand from her personal stock of burgees, Amy reached out to her longtime sailing buddy with whom she had recently completed the run from Fiji to New Zealand, Blaise Besant. Together they designed a custom line of burgees and broadened their line of products.
Burgeez, LLC was born.

Our Customer Stories

Wow! I love the fabric on my Burgeez hemp top but it’s the attention to detail with the contrasting collar and cuffs that make it really special. If you make larger sizes let me know. My sister REALLY wants one too.
Wendy Fox, New Port Beach, CA
Kayaking DryBag. I love this dry bag! I had it out on my kayak, wakes hitting the back of my kayak and heavy rain coming down. This bag held up against it all it was water resistant it kept everything in the bag dry.
Steven O’Phelan, Middleton, WI
5L dry bag is the perfect size for my trip to Costa Rica exploring rain forests & traveling by boat with wet landings. Bag stored easily in my luggage or backpack. Strap & clips seem to be durable.